Monday, November 19, 2012

Welcome to Stupid School Signs!

Welcome! I am starting this blog at the encouragement of some of my friends. On election day in 2012, the school at which I voted had a grammatical error on its sign at the entrance. It absolutely drove me crazy. I called the school and told them, but they never did anything about it. Today, there was another spelling error on the school sign. I was so incredibly irritated. Seriously, it's an elementary school. They should be more careful with their signs.

Here is the original sign. 

Are they telling the report card to go home?

If you have any original pictures of signs on schools that are wrong, drop me a line ( and I'll share them with the world.


  1. Oh, wow...they even have it as "AM EDU VIST DAY"...guess they ran out of I's.

  2. Yeah, I didn't get that one, either.

  3. The "report card go home" part is irritating. Lol
